
Monday, March 25, 2013

Why you shouldn't say "that's not my job!"

LInchpin by Seth Godin
Since I was 18, I´ve taken on gigs that I didn´t know for sure whether I could pull off, until I did. To this day, when an opportunity or challenge makes me slightly queasy because I can actually imagine failing at it, I know I need to say yes and take it on. That´s the fast track to know-how.  

And that´s how I take every single professional endeavor – as an opportunity for growth and learning. I don´t always learn my lessons from someone else. It´s often my own curiosity that pushes me to acquire new skills. It´s a kind of survival mechanism. If I don´t know how to do something, I will usually figure it out, or at least give it my best shot.

“That´s not my job,” kills more good opportunities than we know. I don´t say it. Here´s why: Because when you do what´s not “your job,” you learn someone else´s job. And guess what that does? It gives you a new skill …

Because I can do the job of every person on my team and do it well, when I have a request for them I know exactly what it entails and what to expect. Because I can step into their shoes at any time, I´m not scared that someone will get sick or even quit. I would not be left hanging, as I could stand in at a moment´s notice and the show would go on. I appreciate them all, mind you … more than they know perhaps (although I try to make it a point of expressing my gratitude daily), but it's a good feeling to know I've got my back! That's not to say I want to do it all, but it's certainly comforting knowing I'm able to. 

So, next time you think of saying: “that´s not my job,” reconsider. Being capable of doing the job of every one or most people in your team makes you invaluable. It also allows you to be a better manager when the time comes. Oh, not everyone will like you – as this knowledge may make you more demanding or have others look like slackers – but that’s going to happen anyway no matter what you do.

Recommended Reading: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? By Seth Godin.

Lorraine C. Ladish is a bilingual published author, Editor in Chief of and proud mami of two girls. Follow her on Twitter: @LorraineCLadish

Saturday, March 9, 2013

As Editor in Chief of Mamiverse, I Owe it All to This Blog, Success Diaries

Lorraine C. Ladish, Editor in Chief of Mamiverse
When I started out this blog, it was to keep up my spirits during the bleakest of times. I also hoped it would help others try to uncover and celebrate the smallest of successes when facing tough moments in life. A year and a half ago, when I was asked to be managing editor at an online publication, I decided to stop posting to this blog. How would I juggle so many responsibilities?

Well, since my last post, lots more things have happened in my life. In July of 2012 I made a career move that took me back to, where I started out as a contributor in 2011. I returned as Editor in Chief, and I'm happy to say that 9 months later, I'm still as excited about it, or more, than when I came on board.

Lately, as I've been featured as a speaker in social media conferences, such as Latism, Hispanicize and BusinessWire, and recently invited to be a participant at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, I've been thinking ... I should go back to blogging here. After all, this humble blog was where my conversion from print media to digital started. I had no idea what I was doing when I posted the first entry ... I hoped it would lead to something good. And it certainly did.