“At first it was hard to figure out how to keep on going”, shares Tardío, “but with faith and perseverance, I have built my present and the future of my children.”
More than a mom, she is also a successful professional serving the Health Department of Collier County in Florida and Healthy Start, as a Family Specialist and Educational Outreach. She is now writing her third book, and she is also a leader and advocate for parents of kids with special needs around the world. Tardío created a social network in Spanish: www.redsocialelianatardio.com/, for this purpose.
“It may be hard to believe,” she says, “but a potentially traumatic experience has turned out to be the best gift in my life, and not only has it brought me two beautiful angels, but it also gave me a mission and a reason to be happy.”
Tardío claims that the feeling of love has helped her in her journey, as well as perseverance and patience.
“People who support me and celebrate my success are special, but those who criticize are important to, because they help me realize that even though I am not perfect, there is always a perfect place for me and my loved ones.”
If doubt creeps in, she looks back on all the things she has managed to accomplish, and feels empowered.
“I celebrate every simple thing and enjoy my children´s smiles, hugs and kisses.”

Eliana Tardío is my antidote to feelings of “having a bad day”. If she can write and publish books, free-lance, network, keep a job or two, devote time and effort to her children with special needs and her husband, and always wear a smile and have a great attitude, anyone can!
Website: www.elianatardio.com/
Eliana Tardío´s social network: www.redsocialelianatardio.com/
wow I feel so proud! Thank you Lorraine!!